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752 North State Street Westerville, OH 43082

iVueit Vuer Institute

The app that pays you for collecting photo & survey data at the places you know and visit every day

iVueit Institute Courses

The iVueit Institute is home to training tutorials, testimonials, and educational videos, that will teach you everything you need to know about being a Vuer. Navigate to any video to learn how you can get the most out of each feature on the iVueit app. Have a request for a training video? Send it to

Welcome New Vuers

Claim A VueClaim A Vue
Claim a Vue
Complete A VueComplete A Vue
Completing a Vue
Edit Vuer ProfileEdit Vuer Profile
Edit Vuer Profile
Contact Vuer SupportContact Vuer Support
Contact Vuer Support

iVueit’s Essentials

Navigation & NotificationsNavigation & Notifications
Navigation & Notifications
Orange VuesOrange Vues
Orange Vues
Measurement VuesMeasurement Vues
Measurement Vues
Time LimitTime Limit
Time Limit Feature
Set Your RadiusSet Your Radius
Set Your Radius
Notification SettingsNotification Settings
Notification Settings
Commuter ModeCommuter Mode
Commuter Mode

Residential Vues

Coming Soon!

Facilities Management Vues

Coming Soon!

Retail Vues

Coming Soon!

Referral Vues

Referral Vues FAQs

iVueit FAQs

Dark Navy Blue Dots

Navy blue dots on the map are Vues that require the Vuer to have a completed background check. You can get a background check in the app by clicking on the background check button in your Vuer profile.

Gray Dots

Gray dots on the map are Vues that are currently claimed by a Vuer. If the Vue is not completed in the allotted time – the Vue will return to the map as a green dot.

Green Dots

Green dots on the map represent open Vues that you can claim. If you click on the green dot, you will receive information on scope of work, payout and more!

Orange Dots

An orange dot on the map is a Vue that only our Preferred Vuer Network can claim for the first 30 minutes after being released. If the Vue is not claimed within those first 30 minutes – it will become a green dot on the map.

Red Dots

The red dot on the map is a Vue that needs completed urgently. The red dots will contain a Vue that has a higher payout but also needs to be done as soon as possible.

Royal Blue Dots

Royal blue dots on the map are for Referral Vues. These Vues can be accessed through the royal blue dot on the map or by clicking into the people icon alongside the map. If you refer a Vue to friends or family, you will receive a $3 bonus in your Vuer Wallet.

Appointment Setting Vues

A Vue type that you need to set up an appointment in order to complete. Upon claiming the Vue, you need to contact the tenant to set up a time to do the inspection.

Dark Store Vue

A Vue type that is assessing the conditions of a closed location (dark store).

Interior Residential Vue

A Vue type that involves going into a residential property to complete the photo and survey inspection.

Landscape Vue

A Vue that is used to assess the conditions of the landscaping. This could evaluate the whether the grass needs mowed or other areas of landscaping that need updates.

Move Out Inspection

A type of inspection that has our Vuers assess the conditions of a home after a tenant has moved out.

Night Vue

A Vue that is completed when it is dark outside. Usually to assess the conditions of signage and lighting when there is not natural daylight present.

Parking Lot Vue

A Vue that assesses the conditions of a parking lot. Usually trying to figure out if there needs to be any paving updates or if the spots are properly labeled.

Residential Vue

A Vue type that involves taking photos and completing survey questions in regards to the condition of a residential property.

Snow Vue

A Vue type that evaluates the conditions of a commercial property to understand if the location can open have there has been a storm. There are two different types of Vues that can be done with this, pre and post snow. This is to help determine if there has been damage to the property.

Dress Code

iVueit requires that our Vuers follow a dress code to ensure the professionalism of our Vuers while their on-site completed jobs. Please dress in business casual and avoid wearing sweatpants, flip flops, ripped clothing, etc.

Preferred Vuer Network

Our Preferred Vuer Network is comprised of Vuers with an 80% Vuer Rating or higher after they have completed 5 Vues. Our Preferred Vuer Network can pick up 6 Vues at the same time rather than the 3 Vues the rest of our network is allotted.


An individual who completes open jobs on the iVueit app

Vuer Rating

Your Vuer rating is a percentage and is based on how many Vues you have claimed and completed. The more Vues you claim and complete, the higher your rating can get. If you fail a significant amount of Vues, your Vuer Rating will suffer.

Vuer ID

The number that uniquely belongs to you. This was assigned to you at the time of you signing up to be a Vuer.

Vuer Network

Our group of Vuers who complete jobs through the iVueit app.

Commuter Mode

A setting within the iVueit app that allows you to be notified on the go for open Vues near you. This is a great option for Vuers who are always on the go!

Notification Radius

A setting in the iVueit app that allows you to select how many miles you are willing to travel to complete a Vue. This is a sliding bar in the app under the ‘notification preferences’ in the search settings section of the map.

Offline Mode

If a Vue is located in an area with low cell signal, the Vuer can turn their phone on airplane mode to activate offline mode. Once a Vue is completed and submitted, a Vuer has 1 hour to get back to cell service in order for the Vue to go through.

Referral Vue

A Referral Vue is an opportunity for our Vuers to make extra cash. This is intended for current Vuers to send their friends and family open Vues in areas where it is not getting completed. Once the Vuer has sent their friend the Vue with their unique referral code and they have successfully completed the Vue, the Vuer who referred the Vue will get a $3 bonus and the Vuer who completed the Vue will get the payout.

Unclaim Feature

The Unclaim Feature is to ensure our Vuers are able to complete their claimed Vues in a timely manner. Within the first 30 minutes of claiming a Vue, you can unclaim it without any penalty. After that 30 minute mark, if you unclaim the Vue it will count towards a fail.

Claimed Vue

A Vue you have selected to complete. This Vue will show under the ‘My Vues’ tab in the iVueit app.

Dormant Vues

A dormant Vue will appear in a lighter green color on the map. This is due to them not being in an active time frame. They will appear their usual darker green when the active time frame is live again. You cannot complete a Vue while it is dormant but you can still pick it up for when it goes live again.

Failed Vue

A Vue that was either not completed on time during the active time window or that was completed incorrectly will result in a fail. This is to ensure we are providing the best insights back to our clients. A significant amount of Failed Vues will affect your Vuer Rating.

Letter of Authorization

A Letter of Authorization (LOA) is provided on a lot of different Vue types. This is in order to allow our Vuers to present documentation of why they are on-site and what they will be doing for the job.

Vue Active Window

The time frame in which the Vue will be open to be completed. If you pick up a Vue at 10am and it is active between 8am-7pm you must complete the Vue by 7pm for it to not count as a Failed Vue.