3409 properties across 33 states
87% completion in the first 24 hours
78% savings versus traditional method
85.2K+ pictures captured by Vuers
Scope: 3.4K+ sites in 33 states
Vue: Signage & Overall Exterior
Location: 7-Eleven
Industry: Facilities Management
Acquisition of a new portfolio led to 7-Eleven’s vendor requesting immediate visual verification on nearly 3.5K properties across 33 states in order to determine current conditions. These property surveys aid in making informed decisions on upcoming work orders, verifying proof of previous service, and driving full visibility between the vendor and their client.
-Limited resources to quickly gain visibility
-Budget constraints
-Acquisition of accurate and timely data
-Accountability /quality assurance
–Create customized survey to instruct Vuer network exactly what needed identified on site
–Review types of discrepancies our client wants to be immediately alerted about
-Roll out and alert Vuer network of nearby Vues in their area to assure rapid completion and turnaround time
-In house quality control team reviews all photos and escalates specific discrepancies on site including sign damage, and potential hazards/obstructions
-The Vuer Network captured a minimum of 25 photos on each site and answered surveyed questions regarding 7-Eleven signage, store fronts, canopies, sidewalks, and parking lots
-Our client received unbiased visual verification on 87% of their newly acquired portfolio in 24 hours, creating immediate transparency with the retailer
-Our client saved thousands of dollars on travel and saved their field team hours of added site visits to properties without immediate need for attention
-11% of the properties were escalated to our client to alert them of locations that needed immediate attention